About us

The Open Logistics Foundation has devoted itself to collaborative brainstorming on, as well as development and implementation of, open source solutions for logistics and supply chain management. The future of logistics is here!


Rethinking open source for logistics: The Open Logistics Foundation, which was established in 2021, is a non-profit operating foundation advocating the promotion of open source applications in logistics and supply chain management.


Our organisation at a glance: The Open Logistics Foundation and its support association, Open Logistics e. V., are independent and neutral organisations.


Trailblazers for the future of logistics: The Boards of Directors and the Board of Trustees are comprised of recognized logistics experts, experts from other industries, and researchers.

Steering Committees

Experts for quality of ideas and code: The Logistical Steering Committee and the Technical Steering Committee oversee the Foundation’s general strategy and accompany the work of the developers in the working groups and projects.

Endow and donate

With your endowment or donation, you ensure that the non-profit and commonbenefit Open Logistics Foundation can drive forward the development of a European open source community in the long term and help innovations achieve a breakthrough.

Head Office

The Head Office staff are the people to get in touch with in case of questions, comments, and requests. We always welcome your ideas, enquiries, and suggestions.


Create the future of logistics with us and become part of our team. We offer a working environment in a non-profit foundation that works agilely like a start-up. 


If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests regarding the Open Logistics Foundation, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.