Ready for take-off.
We are here to help.
Our Head Office staff comprises logistics and IT experts, who support our Boards and Committees in their day-to-day business and all organisational affairs. They also are the people to get in touch with in case of questions, comments, and requests concerning the Foundation and the support association. We always welcome your ideas, enquiries, and suggestions.
Our activities at a glance:
- Supporting the Foundation’s Boards and Committees with technical expertise and in organisational affairs
- Supporting the working groups with technical expertise and in organisational affairs
- Collecting and preprocessing research results relevant for the working groups and projects and making them available for the Innovation Community
- Supporting networking and communication activities of the Innovation Community
- Informing media, the public, and political decision-makers about the Foundation’s mission and activities
- Planning and organising events
- Acting as contact for requests of membership of the support association, Open Logistics e. V.
Our Foundation Staff

Andreas Nettsträter
+49 (0) 172 1688483

Thorsten Hülsmann
+49 (0) 173 5439548

Carina Tüllmann
+ 49 (0) 173 4120374

Angel Drawe
Communications and Marketing
+ 49 (0) 152 01389165

Annika Kamen
Communications and Marketing
+ 49 (0) 152 28428715

Nathalie Böhning
Innovation and Project Management
+49 (0) 152 02347913

Anna Derevianko
Membership and Administration
+49 (0) 162 2384958

Aynur Arslan-Bilgin
+49 (0) 162 2169 491
Our Experts

Jens Leveling
Head of Technology
+49 (0) 231 70096 503

Marius Brehler
Open Source Advisor
+49 (0) 231 70096 503

David Saive
Legal Product Owner
+49 (0) 231 70096 503

Michael Schmidt
Logistics & SCM Advisor
+49 (0) 231 70096 503
Go for cooperation
You would like to support the Open Logistics Foundation, and/or play a key role in shaping our agenda, and/or collaborate with other companies in our working groups and projects? Then you should become a member of Open Logistics e. V. Find all documents here.