Our trailblazers.
Expertise in logistics and IT.
The Foundation.
Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors acts as the executive body and represents the Foundation in external affairs. The members of the Board see themselves as spearheads and drivers of the development of innovative open source applications in logistics and supply chain management.

Dr. Stephan Peters
Member of the Board, Rhenus SE & Co. KG

Stefan Hohm
Member of the Board
CDO, Dachser SE

Christa Koenen
Member of the Board
CIO/CDO, DB Schenker
The Foundation.
Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees acts as a consulting and controlling body. In addition, the members of the Board offer their technical expertise to the Steering Committees.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Henke
Managing Director, Fraunhofer IML

Markus Bangen
Vice Chairman
CEO, duisport

Jakub Piotrowski
Vice Chairman
100 percent digital is not a dream, but our common future in more and more use cases. The open-source concept guarantees an open standard for digitalising logistics processes while offering a high degree of flexibility for individual adaptations.
Dr. Stephan Peters, Rhenus SE & Co. KG, Chairman of the Open Logistics Foundation
It is advantageous for all supply chain parties, if in the future, that selected software components are available to everyone free of charge as open-source elements and continuously updated via a neutral authority.
Stefan Hohm, Chief Development Officer (CDO), Dachser SE, Member of the Board of the Open Logistics Foundation
The idea behind open source is to jointly develop software on the basis of a trustworthy collaboration of partners interacting at eye level. That mindset is what characterises the Open Logistics Foundation and its Community.
Christa Koenen, CIO/CDO, DB Schenker, Member of the Board of the Open Logistics Foundation
The digitalization of logistics can only be advanced by working together. The bundling of resources and topics offers a unique opportunity to set de facto standards instead of creating further monoliths.
Markus Bangen, Chairman of the Executive Board of Duisburger Hafen AG (duisport), Member of the Advisory Board of the Open Logistics Foundation
The Support Association.
Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors represents the interests of the companies organised in the support association. The members bundle the project ideas coming from various companies and advocate these ideas within the communication channels of the Foundation.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alice Kirchheim
Director, Fraunhofer IML

Markus Sandbrink
Vice Chairman
CIO, Rhenus Group

Dieter Sellner
Member of the Board
Head of Digital Transformation, DB Schenker

Alexander Garbar
Member of the Board
Head of Corporate Development and Strategy, duisport
On neutral ground
Both the Open Logistics Foundation and its support association, Open Logistics e. V., are independent and neutral organisations. Neutrality is guaranteed both with regard to development of software components and participation of companies.