5 July 2023 | News
On the 13th of June 2023 at the IPIC-International Physical Internet Conference: Expanding the Logistics Scope 2023 in Greece, the Open Logistics Foundation was awarded the “ALICE Logistics Innovation Award”, in recognition of outstanding engagement and achievements in creating open source software and de-facto standards for the logistics industry. This award acknowledges the work done within our innovation community and conveys once more that the industry’s pain points can best be solved as a community.
7 June 2023 | News
Open Source Innovation Day 2023 of the Open Logistics Foundation in Berlin: When will open source solutions become established in logistics – in 5, 10 or 15 years? The vast majority of participants at the Open Source Innovation Day 2023 (#OSID2023) of the Open Logistics Foundation in the co-working space „Spielfeld“ in Berlin voted for „in 5 years“. Not a single person voted for „in 15 years“. The general mood at the first event of this kind was accordingly characterised by the will to promote open source in logistics. A total of about 80 representatives from industry and research took advantage of this opportunity to broaden their perspective and gain new insights on the topic of open source.
20 April 2023 | News
In the last month the Open Logistics Foundation and its partners have used the concept of open ideation to formulate interesting new topics they want to work on. Two of these topics were elaborated in more detail and are now joining the eCMR project, in the Foundations rows of community projects. In the following article, these two new Working Groups and included projects will be introduced.
23 February 2023 | News
Markus Sandbrink, the Rhenus Group’s Chief Information Officer, and Andreas Nettsträter, the CEO of the Open Logistics Foundation, are guests in the podcast “Logistics People Talk”, powered by Rhenus. They emphasize the benefits provided by open source to establish de-facto standards and how competitors can confidently and successfully share ideas.
9 February 2023 | News
With a significant increase in the number of member organisations, the Open Logistics Foundation has made the transition from the build-up to the growth phase earlier than expected. As agreed upon already when the Foundation was established in December 2021, this transition is accompanied by a reorganisation of the Foundation’s Board of Directors: Jochen Thewes, CEO of DB Schenker, hands over the chair to Dr. Stephan Peters, a member of the Board of Rhenus.
23 January 2023 | News
In a panel at the Digital Summit, the Open Logistics Foundation used the example of the eConsignment note (eCMR) to show how joint development of open-source solutions can bring together the entire logistics industry.
18 October 2022 | News
Andreas Nettsträter, CEO of the Open Logistics Foundation, and Ingo Müller, Department Head Prototyping & Testing at Dachser, one of the founding companies of the foundation, talk about the importance of “Open Source in Logistics and Supply Chain” in the new episode (#135) of the podcast of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), The Global Supply Chain Network.
21 July 2022 | News
The Board of the Open Logistics Foundation met at Rhenus Logistics in Holzwickede.
14 June 2022 | News
The open source eCMR is intended to enable the creation, storage, and further processing of digital consignment notes for both national and cross-border transport.