Christian Bockelt from DB Schenker is convinced by the idea of Open Logistics Foundation.

Room for innovative ideas
When it comes to generating ideas for new projects, the Open Logistics Foundation uses the concept of open ideation. It goes like this: In workshops, experts from companies that are part of the Innovation Community jointly develop topics regarding open source solutions they want to work on next. And so it happened also in the most recent workshop held in August, which was hosted by Rhenus Logistics. In the following article, two innovation coaches will be elaborating on the concept.
“Every company can participate in the international open source community“
We welcome Thomas Mazzurana from our newest member Gebrüder Weiss.
The board members summarised the exciting first half-year of the Open Logistics Foundation.

Meeting of the open source pioneers at Rhenus Logistics
The Board of the Open Logistics Foundation met at Rhenus Logistics in Holzwickede.

A license for commercialisation
Companies can use the standard components from the Open Logistics repository as a basis for the development and commercialisation of non-open extensions and services. The the Open Logistics Foundation has created the legal framework for this with a so-called permissive licence modelled on the Apache 2.0 licence. CEO Andreas Nettsträter explains the characteristics.

A new mindset for procurement
No use of open source software? That is no longer imaginable in most companies. The Bitkom Open Source Monitor 2021 concludes that 71 percent of all companies in Germany already use OS. The approach is also interesting for logistics and supply chain management. A talk with Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Henke, Director of the Fraunhofer IML.