Join our community.
Choose between two types of membership.
Whether you want to play a key role in shaping our agenda or focus on projects that are of particular interest to your company – we welcome you!
Become a Solution Member.
Push projects for the benefit of your company.
Your benefits:
- Your company is entitled to lead working groups, allowing you to focus on developments that are of particular interest to you, drive forward ideas for projects, formulate requirements from a logistical point of view, and work on concrete technical implementations. Participation in working groups is possible for an unlimited period of time, allowing your company to develop further solutions in your interest.
- Your company is entitled to provide the maintainer (i.e. chief developer) for one project. This can be a project that was initiated by your company or a project that has a special relevance for you. You can provide developers for as many projects as you like, thus collaborating on further solutions.
- Your company benefits from a lively community the members of which share your vision and passion for driving the future of digitalisation in logistics and supply chain management. You can participate in inspiring events, and you receive early access to all of the Foundation’s publications.
Membership fees vary, depending on the type of membership and your company’s annual revenues.
Become a Strategic Member.
Create standards for the entire industry.
Your benefits:
- Your company can take the lead and set impulses in as many working groups as you like. This allows you to push for solutions for challenges and tasks that are of particular interest to your company. Furthermore, you can use your experience and know-how to boost and support implementations to become de-facto standards in logistics and supply chain management.
- Your company is entitled to provide maintainers (i.e. chief developers) for any number of projects. You can participate in as many projects as you want.
- Your voice is important: Your company receives the right to propose candidates for the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees. Furthermore, you can send experts to the Logistical Steering Committee and the Technical Steering Committee. This is how you get to steer both ideation and implementation processes.
- Your company can engage in the Foundation’s public relations activities, e.g. by sending speakers to events or conferences or publishing articles on the Foundation’s activities.
The following companies operating in the fields of logistics and supply chain management are part of our Innovation Community.
Main benefits of membership
Expand your network by being part of an agile and creative international community.
Gain know-how by engaging in an environment characterised by technological progress.
Boost your profile as an innovative technology and service provider.
Position yourself as an innovative company.
Strengthen your employer brand (especially to attract IT experts).
Anna Derevianko
Membership & Administration Manager
Open Logistics Foundation

We believe in digitalization as we strongly trust in people. Best ideas mostly arise from a group of motivated people, working together on solutions for mutual challenges and creating better results.
Michael Gschwandtner, Director Digital Business, LKW WALTER, Member of association