MFDL – Material Flow Description Language

MFDL is used to define transports in a declarative way.
Here, transports are only described, the assignment and the execution of a transport order happens afterwards.

evoBOT Simulation Model

The “evoBOT” simulation model is a virtual representation of the real vehicle and enables the realistic evaluation of new designs, sensors and algorithms within the simulation.

O3dyn Simulation Model

The O3dyn simulation model is a virtual representation of the real outdoor robot O3dyn and enables the realistic evaluation of new designs, sensors and algorithms within the simulation.

Sensing Puck

The Sensing Puck is a compact track & trace device with temperature, humidity, position and acceleration sensors.


libVDA5050++ offers a generic open source implementation of the VDA5050 standard, enabling manufacturers of FTFs to quickly and easily convert their vehicles to this standard.

ML Toolbox

The ML Toolbox supports the development of ML software by providing tools for common tasks in the development process of an Machine Learning (ML) application.


The IoT Broker is a basic component of platforms and a solution to integrate IoT devices.